We are pleased to present some news regarding “Laboratorio del Marmo”.
The brand “LDM” was acquired by GRASSI PIETRE, company leader in the extraction and processing of Vicenza Stone, material used in most of the creations of LDM. This choice allowed us to expand the commercial offer and respond to the needs of our customers but, equally, we could give new life to the Laboratorio del Marmo, brand active in lytic since 1973.
It is not our intention to disrupt the business stories, anything, we want to pursue the paths of both worlds, creating a new and strong network.
We will continue to operate as we do today, taking care of the quality: from the choice of the material in the quarry, up to that of the finished product.
It will also be our firm commitment to preserve the craftsmanship, a plus that has always distinguished both brands. There will also be a careful evaluation of the new technologies available to us.